Wednesday 24 April 2013

Data Sufficiency - 1

Data Sufficiency - 1



The questions below are followed by two statements “A” and “B’,

Choose (1) if the statement “A’ is alone sufficient to answer the question but statement “B” alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Choose (2) if the statement “B’ is alone sufficient to answer the question but statement “A” alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Choose (3) if both the statements are sufficient to answer the question but neither statement by itself is sufficient to answer the question.

Choose (4) if the both the statements even when taken together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Choose (5) if either statement “A” or statement “B” is sufficient to answer the question asked.


1.      Is “Y” larger than 1 

             A :   Y  > 0

             B :   Y2 – 4  = 0

2.     Is the integer “X” divisible by 3?

A : The last-digit in “X” is 3.

B :  “X+5” is divisible by 6.

3.     How much is Mohan’s weekly salary?

A  :  Mohan’s weekly salary is twice as much as Sohan’s weekly salary.

B  :  Sohan’s weekly salary is 40 % of the total of Ram’s & Mohan’s weekly salaries.

4.    What markes have been obtained by Akshay?
A   :  Akshay’s marks are the average of marks of Vikram & Rohan.

B   :  Vikram obtained 80 marks and this is 33 % more than marks obtained by Rohan.

5.    How many tons of cement will be needed for the foundation of an apartment


A : The entire building will require 5000 tons of cement.

B : The volume of the cement  needed for the foundation is 1000 cubic yards.

6.    Is the side GF of the triangle GFD 5 inches long?

A  :  GD  =  FD

            B  :  GD  =  2 inches

7.    A television set was originally priced at Rs 25000. What percent discount was given on its original price?

A  :  The Store has 5 of these television sets left.

B  :  If  the store were to sell all of the remaining television sets, it would receive Rs 10,000 for them.

8.    What is the cost of  2 kgs of apples ?

A : Ten apples weigh 2.1 kgs on the average.

B : Ten kilos of apples cost Rs 300.

9.    A gold ring weighs 1 gram. The ring is not of pure gold, but is mixed with copper. What is the value of the metals in the ring?

A :  Gold is worth Rs 350 per gram.

            B : 50 % of the ring is due to copper.

10.  Ramesh worked 42 hrs this week. How much did he earn ?

A : Ramesh works 35 hrs a week @ Rs 30 per hour.

            B :  Ramesh gets Rs 40 per hour for overtime work

11.  City “X” has two libraries. Does the total no. of books in both the libraries exceed 18000?   

A : One library has twice as many books as the other library

B : One library has 9000 books.

12.  What is the width of the widest of 4 rivers?

A : The most narrow river is 240 yards across.

            B : The widest river’s width is 4/5th of the narrow-river plus the average of the

remaining 2 rivers one of which has a width of 284 yards while the other is  ¾ th of the widest   river.
      13. How many bees will be there in 2009?

A: No. of bees increases by 12.875 % every year.

B: The bees population in 2006 is 0.4 crores.

      14. What was the original price of the computer which was purchased 4 yrs earlier?

A: The value of the computer diminishes / depreciates year on year by 8.75 %

B: The same computer now costs Rs 4678.

15.  A long thread of 4 mts is cut in to three smaller threads in natural numbers. Is it          possible to determine the longest of these 3 pieces of threads?

A:  First two – pieces of threads are of same length.

B:  One-piece is 2 mts long.




(1)   2     (2)   3    (3)   3    (4)   3    (5)   4    (6)   3    (7)   4     (8)   2       (9)   4    (10)  3


(11)     4      (12)     4        (13)    3       (14)   3       (15)     2



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