Monday 13 January 2014

Infosys - Verbal Ability Questions - 6

Infosys – Verbal Ability Questions - 6

Directions (Questions 1-10): The following section consists of two passages followed by set of questions. Read the passage thoroughly and answer the set of questions given below the passage.

In the world today we make health an end in itself. We have forgotten that health really means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine and this includes many patients as well as many physicians pays very little attention to health but very much attention to those who imagine that they are ill. Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers. The health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of television programmers and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet for the most part the only result is more people with imaginary illness. The healthy man should not be wasting time talking about health: he should be using health for work. The work does the work that keep good health possible.

1. Modern medicine is primarily concerned with
A. promotion of good health
B. people suffering from imaginary illness
C. people suffering from real illness
D. increased efficiency in work
Ans: B

2. The passage suggests that
A. health is an end in itself
B. health is blessing
C. health is only means to an end
D. we should not talk about health
Ans: C

3. Talking about the health all the time makes people
A. always suffer from imaginary illness
B. sometimes suffer from imaginary illness
C. rarely suffer from imaginary illness
D. often suffer from imaginary illness
Ans: D

4. The passage tells us
A. how medicine should be manufactured
B. what healthy man should or should not do
C. what television programmers should be about
D. how best to imagine illness
Ans: B

5. A healthy man should be concerned with
A. his work which good health makes possible
B. looking after his health
C. his health which makes work possible
D. talking about health
Ans: A

Organizations are institutions in which members compete for status and power. They compete for
resource of the organization, for example finance to expand their own departments, for career advancement and for power to control the activities of others. In pursuit of these aims, groupes are formed and sectional interests emerge. As a result, policy decisions may serve the ends of political and career systems rather than those of the concern. In this way, the goals of the organization may be displaced in favour of sectional interests and individual ambition. These preoccupations sometimes prevent the emergence of organic systems. Many of the electronic firms in the study had recently created research and development departments employing highly qualified and well paid scientists and technicians. Their high pay and expert knowledge were sometimes seen as a threat to the established order of rank, power and privilege. Many senior managers had little knowledge of technicality and possibilities of new developments and electronics. Some felt that close cooperation with the experts in an organic system would reveal their ignorance and show their experience was now redundant.

6. The theme of the passage is
A. Groupism in organizations
B. Individual ambitions in organizations
C. Frustration of senior managers
D. Emergence of sectional interests in organizations
Ans: D

7. "Organic system" as related to the organization implies its
A. growth with the help of expert knowledge
B. growth with input from science and technology
C. steady all around development
D. natural and unimpeded growth
Ans: B

8. Policy decision in organization would involve
A. cooperation at all levels in the organization
B. modernization of the organization
C. attracting highly qualified personnel
D. keeping in views the larger objectives of the organizations
Ans: C

9. The author makes out a case for
A. organic system
B. Research and Development in organizations
C. an understanding between senior and middle level executives
D. a refresher course for senior managers
Ans: A

10. The author tends to the senior managers as
A. ignorant and incompetent
B. a little out of step with their work environment
C. jealous of their younger colleagues
D. robbed of their rank, power and privilege
Ans: A

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