Tuesday 7 May 2013

English - Verbal -1

English – Verbal – 1

Though the answers are given at the end, it is suggested that you look at the same after marking your choices first.

Following sentences are divided into four parts A, B, C and D. Identify the part that has an error.

1.    A. The result of all these delays and cancellations,

B. even though they were due to

C. factors beyond our control,

D. have caused great confusion.

2.    A. Though, ordinarily, he is friendly

B. you cannot deny

C. that, on occasions,

D. he can be an horrible liar.

3.    A. Neither the lazy chap

B. nor his

C. equally lazy wife,

D. wake before 10 O’clock.

4.    A. I sat

B. contentedly

C. in the park

D. watching the dog playing and smoking my pipe.

5.    A. Never before has India in particular,

B. and Asia in general,

C. been so severely threatened

D. by the American war machine.

6.    A. Last year

B. he was elected as

C. president

D. of the students’ Union.

7.    A. Soon the Americans realized

B. that the Peoples’ Republic of China

C. was a force

D. to reckon with

8.    A. The politicians know as well,

B. or better than the rest of us

C. that this country cannot prosper

D. on empty promises.

9.    A. Fresh graduates

B. from the IIM’s

C. can expect to earn a monthly salary

D. ranging between Rs 30,000 to Rs 50,000

10.  A. According to the recent

B. reports of the Traffic Commissioner

C. there were far less accidents

D. in Mumbai this year.



1.    D         2.   D       3.  D     4.   D     5.   A      6.   B     7.   B     8.   A     9.   D      10.   C



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