Saturday 8 June 2013

Ordering of Sentence

Ordering of Sentence

In each of the following questions four sentences are given marked A, B, C and D. By using all the four sentences a meaningful paragraph is to be framed. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences.

1.        A.         When no word, no image, no frame, can make sense of what is out there.
B.        One such moment is when the reality is too final to be represented by imagination.
C.        The art of representation has its moment of modesty
D.        For every art that visits history is defiance as well as redemption.

ABCD,           CBAD,           BCDA,           DBCA,           ADBC

Answer:    CBAD

2.         A.        Japan, which had become an imperialist power, invaded China in 1931.
            B.        They called for boycott of Japanese goods.
C.        Later a team of Indian doctors went to China and worked to relieve the sufferings of the people.
D.        The Indian nationalists extended their support to the Chinese people against Japanese invaders.

DCBA,           DBCA,           ABDC,           ADBC,           BCAD

Answer:        ADBC

3.         A.        he worked with great zeal and devotion to his mission and achieved a lot.
B.        He was certainly the greatest missionary ruler in the history of the ancient world.
C.        On the contrary Ashoka has a number of achievements to his credit.
D.        It is said that the pacific policy of Ashoka ruined the `Maurya Empire’, but this is not true.

ACBD,           CADB,           DBCA,           BACD,           DCBA

Answer:        DCBA

4.         A.        To a certain extent the place of superstition was taken by logic.
            B.        This promoted rationalism among people
C.        Buddhism created and developed a new awareness in the field of intellect and culture.
D.        It taught the people not to take things for granted but to argue and judge them on merits.

CDAB,           DBCA,           ADBC,           ACBD,           BACD

Answer:        CDAB

In the following the first and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and are numbered P, Q, R and S. They are not given in the proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the combination would aptly fit in with 1 and 6 to complete the passage.

1.         1.         I shall tell you about the ways you can see a rainbow.
            P.        Big rainbows can be seen when the sun is close to horizon.
            Q.        Or you can notice a rainbow in the spray from a garden hose
            R         You can see a rainbow in the mist from a waterfall
S.        When you stand with a light source behind you and misty water before you, you can see a rainbow.
6.         Occasionally even a full moon on a rainy night will create a faint rainbow.

SPRQ,            SRQP,            SPQR,            SQRP,           

Answer:        SQRP

2.         1.         Abraham worked very hard and had no time to feel lonely.
            P.        Abraham was very fond of books
Q.        When his day’s work in the fields or in the forest was over, he settled down in the evenings to read by the light of the fire.
R.        She used to sit by the fireside in the evenings and tell him stories
S.        His mother had taught him to read when he was very young
 6.        Every evening he would spend his time in reading all the books he could find.

QSRP,            SPRQ,            PSRQ,            PRSQ

Answer:        QSRP

3.         1.         My uncle Martin went to live in a hamlet.
            P.        But it was a very lazy parrot
            Q.        So, Martin bought a parrot
            R.        Martin’s neighbor told him that he must buy a parrot
            S.        Every home they had a parrot as a custom
6.         The parrot did not like to speak.

RSQP,            SRPQ,            PQSR,            QPSR

Answer:        RSQP

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